Spring Breakers is an interesting movie by an interesting director Harmony Korine. It follows four college-aged girls (Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine) on their spring break. However, the girls don’t have enough money, so they rob a restaurant and drive to Florida. After a while they’re arrested at a party, but bailed out by Alien, a rapper and local gangster, played by James Franco.

Product placement didn’t have a big role in the movie, but I’ve spotted a few brands anyway.

Calvin Klein Escape and CK Be

There was a scene in Spring Breakers in which Alien describes his world, his apartment, his room and everything about him. During his monologue, he said:

“I got Escape! Calvin Klein Escape! Mix it up with Calvin Klein Be. Smell nice? I SMELL NICE!”

Calvin Klein Escape and CK Be in Spring Breakers (2013, Vertigo Films, screen capture)

Carrera sunglasses and Chevrolet Camaro

Alien wore white Carrera sunglasses and drove Chevrolet Camaro.

Carrera sunglasses in Spring Breakers (2013, Vertigo Films, screen capture)

Chevrolet Camaro in Spring Breakers (2013, Vertigo Films, screen capture)

Kanon vodka

Kanon vodka was barely seen in one scene. I wouldn’t be aware of it, but I wrote a blog post Lykke Li & Friends of Kanon a few months ago and remembered the bottle design.

Kanon vodka in Spring Breakers (2013, Vertigo Films, screen capture)

DTF pants

In one scene the girls were on the beach with Alien. All three of them wore the model of pants, with DTF written on their backs. DTF could mean a lot of things, but Urban Dictionary suggests “down to f**k”.

DTF pants in Spring Breakers (2013, Vertigo Films, screen capture)

All in all Spring Breakers is not a bad movie. It has a few brands and a few memorable/very good scenes. Alien’s monologue with Calvin Klein Escape and CK Be was one of them.

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