Morning Glory is a comedy set in the hilarious and dysfunctional world of morning television. It follows a young news producer Becky Fuller (Rachel McAdams) who just got fired from her job at Good Morning New Jersey. After several rejections she finally gets a call from the (fictional) national network IBS and becomes an executive producer of the struggling morning show Daybreak.

The amount of product placement in Morning Glory is fairly reasonable with obligatory Apple and a few close-ups to Sony monitors. Harrison Ford could be seen drinking 40 year old Bruichladdich single malt whisky and he wore Ray-Bans in several scenes, while Rachel McAdams put on two pairs of Louboutins and Hunter boots.

The most interesting product placement was from Emergen-C, which is a maker of energy and vitamin drinks, who ran a contest asking people to upload videos of them hosting their own morning news to try and win a trip to New York City.

Here’s Emergen-C’s product placement, which could be executed better – the big Apple logo is clearly more visible than Emergen-C’s drink. If I were at Emergen-C, I would definitely try to put my product in a scene without any additional brand.

Here are some other placements from the movie


Louboutin shoes in Morning Glory (2010, Paramount Pictures, screen capture)

Louboutin shoes in Morning Glory (2010, Paramount Pictures, screen capture)


Sony in Morning Glory (2010, Paramount Pictures, screen capture)


Apple in Morning Glory (2010, Paramount Pictures, screen capture)

Apple in Morning Glory (2010, Paramount Pictures, screen capture)


Hunter boots in Morning Glory (2010, Paramount Pictures, screen capture)


Ray-Ban sunglasses in Morning Glory (2010, Paramount Pictures, screen capture)

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