Nicki Minaj’s latest video Pills N Potions is a simple one. Nicki was filmed in various poses and wearing various outfits. There was also rapper the Game, Nicki’s onscreen love interest.
To be honest, nothing really happens in the video. Nicki and the Game look good, the song is a slow ballad, but after a minute or so I blinked. What was that? Beats pill XL speakers! Out of nowhere.

I used to publish blog posts about music videos with excessive product placement. However, producers tried to incorporate it in the story, albeit not always very successful.
I know that integrating products in Nicki’s low key video would have to be an extremely creative process, however Beats’ product placement in Pills N Potions is so absurdly in-your-face that I had a feeling that producers just didn’t care about it. Beats’ product placement looks like the case of “just put the damn thing in the video”.

This video might be just a first in the line of those “I just don’t care how it looks” videos. Can’t say I like the direction in which the videos are heading.