Beverly Hills 90210 was an American TV show that originally aired from October 1990 to May 2000 and was hugely popular – not only in the USA but also worldwide. The show follows the lives of a group of teenagers living in the upscale community of Beverly Hills.

The original premise of BH 90210 was to show the culture shock and the adjustments of twins Brenda and Brandon after they moved from Minneapolis to Beverly Hills.

Casa Walsh from Beverly Hills 90210 (1990, Fox, screen capture)

However, their house wasn’t set in Beverly Hills, but rather in Altadena, an area north of Pasadena in the outskirts of Los Angeles.

When we were in Los Angeles, we decided to check the area to find a house from Beverly Hills 90210: Casa Walsh. After driving through Altadena, I thought that there’s not much to see for a tourist, however Altadena looks like a nice area to live. According to Wikipedia it has population of around 42,000.

Casa Walsh from Beverly Hills 90210 in Altadena (photo by Erik R.)

House from Beverly Hills 90210 is located at 1675 E. Altadena Drive in a very nice neighborhood. According to it was built in 1928, has 3,327 square feet (309 square meters) and includes 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Its worth is around $1.4 million.

Casa Walsh on

I have only taken a few photos of the house because there was an LAPD car parked a few meters away. Anyway, if you’re interested in reading more about casa Walsh I suggest checking a very interesting article from a fellow stalker Lindsay Blake who runs an awesome website She visited Altadena and even managed to get into the house. Here’s the link to the blog post The Inside of the Walsh House from Beverly Hills, 90210.

In case you’re interested in checking other famous locations from out trip to Los Angeles, check my other posts.