Fifteenth episode of New Girl‘s season two had a funny gag involving Nick and a beige trench coat. A package had been mistakenly delivered to Nick’s apartment, but instead of returning it, Nick opened it and fell in love with the contents: a women’s trench coat. He then wore it all the time, almost the whole episode.
During one conversation among roommates, Schmidt said to Nick:
“And you, London Fog, you’re looking hot to trot, baby.”

I asked London Fog if they were somehow involved, but haven’t got the answer, although it’s fair to assume that they weren’t. New Girl is not a show full of product placement – probably just the opposite.
Nevertheless it’s nice to hear if your brand becomes synonymous for a product. In our case it’s:
trench coat = London Fog

London Fog produced one memorable product placement in Mad Men. It happened in the opening episode of the season three. Brand was mentioned and had an important part of the plot. In my opinion it was executed brilliantly.
Read more about London Fog’s great product placement in the blog post London Fog in Mad Men.