American TV show Girls, which ended its second season on March 17, 2013, takes place in New York, mostly on Manhattan and in Williamsburg.

New York based public radio WNYC’s Culture Web site once did a map of all locations from AMC’s TV show Mad Men and now they have done it again: this time with locations from Girls.

Abbie Fentress Swanson, Harvest Public Media’s reporter, asked listeners and viewers for help and together they’ve prepared this awesome map.

During my stay in New York in 2011 I lived in Williamsburg. My apartment was very very near to one location mentioned in the blog post Yogurt Towne – a great T-shirt from Girls: Atlantis Attic. Girls’ costume designer Jenn Rogien said that they found Ray’s T-shirt at this vintage store in Williamsburg.

While in New York I managed to see only one location from the map: Bowery Ballroom, a music venue in the Bowery section of Manhattan. We went to see The Vaccines, with Oberhofer as support band. It was awesome, of course :)

The Vaccines at the Bowery Ballroom (photo by Erik R.)
The Vaccines at the Bowery Ballroom (photo by Erik R.)

Visiting locations from movies or TV shows is known as set-jetting and is an interesting way of promoting cities, towns or other locations.

You can read more about locations from Mad Men in the blog post Map with locations from Mad Men.