Recently I’ve watched another mediocre movie, some sort of buddy-buddy comedy with annoying Zach Galifianakis and uninterested Robert Downey Jr. The movie had its usual dose of product placement, with one that stood above the crowd. That was Subaru Impreza, which could be seen in several scenes, both guys had driven it and they’ve also mentioned it. But above all, they completely destroyed it in a spectacular car crash.
Subaru, which usually doesn’t pay for its placements, had confirmed that Impreza was a part of direct involvement from Subaru and no money had changed hands. Subaru’s spokesman also said that the placement was in-trade (vehicles supplied for the role) and confessed that they were worried about the crash but they “were assured they would survive a dramatic crash.”
You can read more about Subaru Impreza in Due Date in an article ‘Due Date’ Product Placement: Subaru’s Sense Of Humor from Brand Channel.
Below you can find some more examples of product placement from the movie. The majority of them were just straightforward placements and you probably won’t remember them after watching the movie. The slight exception could be Oliver Peoples’ sunglasses, which had a very prominent screen exposure, but unfortunately you can’t really recognize the brand.
Subaru Impreza
Oliver Peoples
Robery Downey Jr. wears Oliver Peoples Benedict sunglasses.
Range Rover
Jolt Cola