Female Empowerment in College Movies

College movies have been a mainstay of American cinema for decades. Hollywood has consistently offered movies depicting the crazy, sex-fuelled side of campus life but recently it has begun to focus on…

The Power of Product Placement

It all started when E.T. was lured from his hiding place using Reese’s Pieces. While back then Hershey, the manufacturer of Reese’s Pieces, did not pay to have their product featured in…

The Internship: Product Placement for the Employer Brand

These days you can’t avoid product placement in movies. The trend may be slowing in top movies—the top films of last year held an average of 9.1 brand placements each, the lowest…

Supercut: Brands And The City

I did this project because I’ve always found funny to stack-up things. I first started to make small paintings, writing all the brands in a given issue of Vogue. However, those were…

Why is The Big Bang Theory my favorite TV Show

“The success lays always in the details” is a famous quote by billionaire Richard Branson – and the US TV show The Big Bang Theory is full of little details, references and…

The Best TV Shows Ever: Utopia

* This is guest post written by Klemen Zupančič This might be seen as an intruder in the best TV shows ever series, but for me, Utopia is by far the most…

Do’s and Don’ts of Product Placement

* This is guest post written by Grace Ernster Do you ever find yourself buying products without knowing the real reason behind it? What compelled you to buy that sweater other than…

The Best TV Shows Ever: The Wire

* This is guest post written by Anže Tomić The term golden era of television has been bandied around a lot in the last decade and is usually associated with the emergence…

The Best TV Shows Ever: Breaking Bad

* This is guest post written by Domen Savič Breaking Bad is about characters. Its main attraction is not the crystal meth, the drug dealing scum or the creative solutions to seemingly…