On June 19, 2013 Anže Tomić published his latest Apparatus podcast and I can proudly say that I was his guest.

We talked about product placement (of course) and other business aspects of brands in movies. We argued which TV show can be labeled as the best TV show ever (my vote goes to Mad Men and Anže’s favorite is The Wire), discussed about Mad Men and talked about my interview with Russ Campbell, who provides glasses for Don Draper – you can read more about that in the blog post Interview with Russ Campbell of Old Focals.

Apparatus is a weekly podcast that feature Anže’s interviews with interesting/important Slovenians who talk about their views and what are they doing professionally.

You can listen to Anže’s interview with me on Apparatus’ website. Unfortunately it’s in Slovene, but we might do an English version as well.

However, Anže is also doing an English speaking podcast. You can check them out on his other website Storming Mortal.